
About the School




1965 年創立的僑聯社相信是曼城最早成立的華人社團,以不牟利的宗旨,
發揮互助的精神。鑑於需求,創會翌年成立曼城僑聯社華人子弟學校,使後代炎黃子孫,在海外也能接受中華文化教育,把中華文化的根代代相傳 ,並且更希望他們不要
這一切都是全賴一班熱心的前輩丶堅毅的歷 任骨幹委員和一班中流砥柱的義務老師,


The Northwest Chinese Association was founded in 1965, believed to be the first local Chinese Association in Manchester. As a non-profit organisation, we support the overseas Chinese community, providing advice and connecting people together to help them gain a foothold in the United Kingdom.

The Northwest Chinese Language Centre was established in the following year, with the aim of ensuring children of immigrant families continue their education in the Chinese language and culture while abroad.

In 2020, the two organisations formally became a registered charity in England, adopting the name Northwest Chinese Language Centre. Our mission is to preserve Chinese traditions, celebrate our heritage and pass on knowledge for generations to come.

The Northwest Chinese Language Centre has grown from humble beginnings to a formal campus accommodating 400 students per year, delivering a rich curriculum by high quality teaching staff. Our progress today would not be possible without the commitment and enthusiasm from all of our predecessors and volunteers.

We are driven by the trust and confidence placed in us by every parent and the motivation and effort shown by each student. Over 50 years of hard work and dedication have put the Northwest Chinese Language Centre at the heart of our community which we are honoured to serve.